Prescription Stimulant Use, Misuse, and Use Disorder Among US Adults Aged 18 to 64 Years (Abstract only, JAMA Psychiatry, March 25, 2025)
Advancing Reduction of Drug Use as an Endpoint in Addiction Treatment Trials (NIDA Director Nora Volkow/ASAM, March 24, 2025)
Advancing Reduction of Drug Use as an Endpoint in Addiction Treatment Trials (NIDA Director Nora Volkow/ASAM, March 24, 2025)
Prolonged Amphetamine-Dextroamphetamine Use: An Unrecognized Cause of Cardiomyopathy (Cureus, March 15, 2025)
Benzodiazepine Tapering: Considerations When Benzodiazepine Risks Outweigh Benefits (Free pdf download, American Society of Addiction Medicine, March 12, 2025)
Disparities in Use of Out-of-Network Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment Versus Medical or Surgical Treatment (Psychiatry Online, March 11, 2025)
Insomnia in Patients With Substance Use Disorders: Assessment and Management (Journal of Psychiatric Practice, March 10, 2025)
A Case of Ketamine-Associated Prolonged Psychosis in the Perioperative Setting: Clinical Course and Management (, March 8, 2025
CDC Reports Nearly 24% Decline in U.S. Drug Overdose Deaths (CDC, March 6, 2025)
Suicide Risk Among Cannabis, Heroin and Cocaine Users (International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, March 2, 2025)
Is it about substituting an addiction with another? development and initial psychometric properties of the first heated tobacco products addiction questionnaire (HeaTPAQ) (Addiction Science and Clinical Practice, February 26, 2025)
Changes in Drug Overdose Mortality and Selected Drug Type by State: United States, 2022 to 2023. (CDC, February 25, 2025)
Acute Alcohol Use and Suicide (Free pdf download. JAMA Network Open, February 25, 2025)
Initiating buprenorphine to treat opioid use disorder without prerequisite withdrawal: an updated systematic review (Addiction Science and Clinical Practice, February 21, 2025)
Brain Function Outcomes of Recent and Lifetime Cannabis Use (JAMA, February 16, 2025)
Patient characteristics associated with their level of twelve-step attendance prior to entry into treatment for substance use disorders (Addiction Science and Clinical Practice, February 15, 2025)
Once-Weekly Semaglutide in Adults With Alcohol Use Disorder (JAMA, February 13, 2025)
US Ranks Highest in Global Overdose Deaths (JAMA, February 12, 2025)
Brain Function Outcomes of Recent and Lifetime Cannabis Use
(Free pdf. JAMA Network Open, February 12, 2025)
A Fresh Look at the Allostasis Theory of Addiction (American Journal of Psychiatry, February 12, 2025)
Real-Time Assessment of Alcohol Reward, Stimulation, and Negative Affect in Individuals With and Without Alcohol Use Disorder and Depressive Disorders (American Journal of Psychiatry, February 12, 2025)
A pilot study of twice-weekly group-based written exposure therapy for veterans in residential substance use treatment: effects on PTSD and depressive symptoms (Addiction Science and Clinical Practice, February 11, 2025)
Development and preclinical testing of a naloxone prodrug depot for extended protection against opioid overdose (Nature Communications, February 6, 2025)
(Frontiers in Psychology, February 6, 2025)
Changes in Incident Schizophrenia Diagnoses Associated With Cannabis Use Disorder After Cannabis Legalization (Free pdf. JAMA Network Open, February 5, 2025)
mHealth Incentivized Adherence Plus Patient Navigation (MIAPP): protocol for a pilot randomized controlled trial to improve linkage and retention on buprenorphine for hospitalized patients with methamphetamine use and opioid use disorder (Addiction Science and Clinical Practice, January 30, 2025)
Exposure to Cannabis Smoke in Children (Free pdf download. JAMA Network Open, January 27, 2025)
Outpatient Low-Dose Initiation of Buprenorphine for People Using Fentanyl (Free pdf download. JAMA Network Open, January 25, 2025)
Harm Reduction in Nursing Practice (American Journal of Nursing, January 24, 2025)
Psychedelics in Psychiatry: Oh, What A Trip! (Free pdf download! American Journal of Psychiatry, January 22, 2025)
Nationwide trends in diagnosed sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic use disorders in adolescents and young adults enrolled in Medicaid: 2001–2019 (Addiction, February 5, 2025)
Overdose Events and Survivors Through Training Co-Facilitated by survivors (Health and Justice, January 30, 2025)
Sex Differences in Methamphetamine Mortality in the United States: Heroin and Fentanyl Coinvolvement, 1999–2021 (American Journal of Preventative Medicine, January 22, 2025)
Mindfulness Training vs Recovery Support for Opioid Use, Craving, and Anxiety During Buprenorphine Treatment (Free pdf download, JAMA Network Open, January 21, 2025)
Differential Effects of Alcohol Policies Across Race/Ethnicity and Socioeconomic Status (Alcohol Research Current Views, January 18, 2025
(Journal of Chemical Health Risks, January 17, 2025)
Intimidation against advocates and researchers in the tobacco, alcohol and ultra-processed food spaces: A review (Health Promotion International, January 17, 2025)
National Guidance on Essential Specialty Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Care (SAMHSA, January 16, 2025)
Review of Evidence on Alcohol and Health (National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine, January 15, 2025)
Combatting Stigma with Knowledge (NIH, January 14, 2025)
Public Health Consequences of Changes in the Cannabis Policy Landscape (National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine, January 14, 2025)
A new roadmap for cannabis and cannabis policy research (NIDA, January 14, 2025)
Assessing Links Between Alcohol Exposure and Firearm Violence: A Scoping Review Update (Alcohol Reviews: Current Updates, January 13, 2025)
Severe Health Outcomes Linked to Consumption of Mushroom-Based Psychoactive Microdosing Products (CDC, January 10, 2025)
Using SAMHSA Funds to implement evidence-based contingency management (SAMHSA, January 10, 2025)
The public health risks of counterfeit pills (Lancet Public Health, January 10, 2025)
Trends in Treatment Need and Receipt for Substance Use Disorders in the US (Free pdf, JAMA Network Open, January 9, 2025)
Buprenorphine and postpartum contraception utilization among people with opioid use disorder: a multi-state analysis (Addiction Science and Clinical Practice, January 7, 2025
Combatting Stigma with Knowledge (NIH, January 14, 2025)
Public Health Consequences of Changes in the Cannabis Policy Landscape (National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine, January 14, 2025)
A new roadmap for cannabis and cannabis policy research (NIDA, January 14, 2025)
Assessing Links Between Alcohol Exposure and Firearm Violence: A Scoping Review Update (Alcohol Reviews: Current Updates, January 13, 2025)
Severe Health Outcomes Linked to Consumption of Mushroom-Based Psychoactive Microdosing Products (CDC, January 10, 2025)
Using SAMHSA Funds to implement evidence-based contingency management (SAMHSA, January 10, 2025)
The public health risks of counterfeit pills (Lancet Public Health, January 10, 2025)
Trends in Treatment Need and Receipt for Substance Use Disorders in the US (Free pdf, JAMA Network Open, January 9, 2025)
Buprenorphine and postpartum contraception utilization among people with opioid use disorder: a multi-state analysis (Addiction Science and Clinical Practice, January 7, 2025
Alcohol and Cancer Risk (DHHS, January 3, 2025)
Neuroanatomical Variability and Substance Use Initiation in Late Childhood and Early Adolescence (Free pdf download. JAMA Network Open, December 31, 2024)
Rising Trend of Substance Abuse Among Older Adults: A Review Focusing on Screening and Management (Cureus, December 31, 2024
Relative effectiveness of antidepressant treatments in treatment-resistant depression: a systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (Neuropsychopharmacology, December 30, 2024)
Cannabinoids: Role in Neurological Diseases and Psychiatric Disorders (International Journal of Molecular Science, December 30, 2024)
MDMA as well as amphetamine and alcohol increase feelings of social closeness in healthy adults (Nature, December 30, 2024)
Developing a Mobile Intervention for Cannabis Use among Young Adults at
Risk for Psychosis (Proceedings of the 58th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2025)
Trends in Buprenorphine Dispensing Among Adolescents and Young Adults in the US (Free pdf download, JAMA Network Open, December 24, 2024)
Clinical Advisory: Considerations for Genetic Testing in the Assessment of Substance Use Disorder Risk (SAMHSA, December 23, 2024)
Cat and Dog Exposures to Cocaine or Methamphetamine (Free pdf download. JAMA Network Open, December 21, 2024)
Letter from the Editor in Chief: 50 Years of Insights into Alcohol Research (Alcohol Research Current Views, December 20, 2024)
Medications for opioid use disorders among incarcerated persons and those in the community supervision setting: exploration of implementation issues with key stakeholders (Addiction Science and Clinical Practice, December 19, 2024)
The Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN) National Estimates from Drug-Related Emergency Department Visits, 2023 (SAMHSA, December 18, 2024)
Declining Perceptions of Harm from Substance Use (Carnevale Associates, December 13, 2024)
Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) 2022: Admissions to and Discharges from Substance Use Treatment Services Reported by Single State Agencies (Free pdf download. SAMHSA, December 11, 2024)
ENA-001 Reverses Xylazine/Fentanyl Combination-Induced Respiratory Depression in Rats: A Qualitative Pilot Study
(Cureus, December 10, 2024)
Psilocybin Therapy for Clinicians With Symptoms of Depression From Frontline Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic A Randomized Clinical Trial (Free pdf download, JAMA Network Open, December 10, 2024)
The Many Faces of Psilocybin-Related Psychosis: A Case Series (Psychiatry Research Case Reports, December 10, 2024)
The rise of novel, semi-synthetic 7-hydroxymitragnine products (Addiction, December 8, 2024)
Development and Evaluation of the Global Appraisal of Individual Needs Quick Version 4 (GAIN-Q4) for ASAM Dimension Ratings and Placement Recommendations for Adolescents and Adults (Journal of Addiction Medicine, December 7, 2024)
Detection of Illegally Manufactured Fentanyls and Carfentanil in Drug Overdose Deaths — United States 2021-2024 (CDC, December 6, 2024)
Ortho-methylfentanyl proliferating across North America as newest synthetic opioid identified in fatal drug overdoses (CFSRE, December 6, 2024)
Xylazine Pharmacokinetics in Patients Testing Positive for Fentanyl and Xylazine (Clinical Chemistry, December 5, 2024)
Federal Guidelines for Opioid Treatment Programs (Free pdf download. SAMHSA, December 4, 2024)
Elevating levels of the endocannabinoid 2-arachidonoylglycerol blunts opioid reward but not analgesia (Science Advances, December 4, 2024)
Association between glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists use and change in alcohol consumption: a systematic review (Clinical Medicine, December 3, 2024)
A systematic review: Investigating biomarkers of anhedonia and amotivation in depression and cannabis use (JAACP Open, November 30, 2024)
Issue Brief: Co-Occurring Mental Health and Substance Use (Free pdf download, SAMHSA, November 27, 2024)
Women, gender and drugs: between research and action (Journal of Harm Reduction, November 26, 2024)
Four-year evaluation of drug-impaired driving drug concentrations (Analytical Toxicology, November 26, 2024)
Syringe services for people who inject drugs are enormously effective, but remain underused (NIDA Director's Blog, November 26, 2024)
Smoking or Vaping Cannabis and Cardiovascular Function: Is Δ‐9‐Tetrahydrocannabinol the Main Culprit (Journal of the American Heart Association, November 26, 2024)
A Comprehensive Review and Update on Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome (Pharmaceuticals, November 20, 2024)
Eliminating Tobacco-Related Disease and Death, Addressing Health Disparities (U.S. Surgeon General, November 19, 2024)
Ischemic Evaluation in New‐Onset Methamphetamine‐Associated Heart Failure (Journal of the American Heart Association, November 16, 2024)
Cannabis, cannabinoids and health: A review of the evidence on risks and medical benefits (European Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, November 15, 2024)
Network Watch Monitoring Drug Street Names Added to DAWN, January 2023 to August 2024 (SAMHSA, November 14, 2024)
The Circumstances Surrounding Fatal Pediatric Opioid Poisonings, 2004–2020 (Pediatrics, November 12, 2024)
Reductions in Substance Use as Outcome Targets for Treatment Development (American Journal of Psychiatry, November 8, 2024)
The Global State of Harm Reduction 2024 (Harm Reduction Journal, November 8, 2024)
Ketamine Detection and Involvement in Drug Overdose Deaths — United States, July 2019–June 2023 (CDC, November 8 2024)
Trends in Marijuana Use among Adolescents in the United States (Pediatric Reports, November 1, 2024)
Clinical Evaluation of the Cannabis-Using Patient: A Moving Target (Permanente Journal, November 5, 2024)
A Comprehensive Review and Update on Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome (Pharmaceuticals, November 2, 2024)
Expanding access to addictions care: Implementation of a 24-hour healthcare provider support line (Addiction Science and Clinical Practice, November 1 ,2024)
Loneliness and cannabis use among older adults: findings from a Canada national survey during the COVID-19 pandemic (BMC Health, October 29, 2024)
A Social-Ecological Model for Understanding Cannabis Risks and Promoting Harm
Reduction (American Journal of Public Health, October 26, 2024)
Time for a public health response to gambling
Medical Cannabis: From Research Breakthroughs to Shifting Public Perceptions and Ensuring Safe Use (Integrative Medicine Research, October 24, 2024)
The Global State of Harm Reduction 2024 (Harm Reduction Journal, November 8, 2024)
Ketamine Detection and Involvement in Drug Overdose Deaths — United States, July 2019–June 2023 (CDC, November 8 2024)
Trends in Marijuana Use among Adolescents in the United States (Pediatric Reports, November 1, 2024)
Clinical Evaluation of the Cannabis-Using Patient: A Moving Target (Permanente Journal, November 5, 2024)
A Comprehensive Review and Update on Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome (Pharmaceuticals, November 2, 2024)
Expanding access to addictions care: Implementation of a 24-hour healthcare provider support line (Addiction Science and Clinical Practice, November 1 ,2024)
ASAM Guest Editorial: Addressing the Addiction Treatment Gap (ASAM, October 29, 2024)
Loneliness and cannabis use among older adults: findings from a Canada national survey during the COVID-19 pandemic (BMC Health, October 29, 2024)
A Social-Ecological Model for Understanding Cannabis Risks and Promoting Harm
Reduction (American Journal of Public Health, October 26, 2024)
Listening Session: Use of High Dose Buprenorphine for the Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder (SAMHSA, October 25, 2024)
Misrepresentation of MDMA in the United States, 1999–2023 (Drug and Alcohol Dependence, October 25, 2024)